Hey Funnel Hackers…
Ready To 1000X Your Tribe Building?
1000X Your Engagement
Our average client has 160x greater brand 
engagement than the top 7 social media sites…
While not having to worry about a Social Media Platform closing their page.
Web App/CMS
Web App/CMS
Skylab enables brands, influencers,
and causes to GROW  THEIR BUSINESS through…
Turning fans & customers into 
Build a highly-engaged community. Reward users for sharing your app and tracking their impact.
Recognizing what 
matters to your community members
Shape and track the behaviors you 
value most in your community. 
Meet your mission.
Enabling sponsors to reward meaningful behaviors through GAMIFICATION
Allow local and global brands to offer promo codes, swag, and vip access for the behaviors you value the most.
Leverage today’s most 
addictive GAMIFICATION features
Behavior-based Chat
Use tags to send target messages with a 90% open rate vs. the < 5% reach of email.
Multimedia Channels
Enable your tribe to follow your content updates. Notifications will bring them back to your apps.
Habit Tracking
Shape, track, and reward the value-based behaviors that move the needle in your community.
Social Recognition
People thrive on recognition. Crowdsource it to your whole tribe via a dynamic Recognition Wall.
Gamified Training
Empower users to consume your training content Netflix-style, in the desired order and timeframe.
Leaderboards & Contests
Allow brands to sponsor contests and reward behaviors to increase engagement.
Take a leap beyond traditional social media
With too much noise and too little reach, social media is starting to fail. Rather than trying to figure out which social platform to use, launch and own your own.
You’re in control
With our unique combination of 
cloud-based control and native 
Web, iOS, and Android apps. Make 
a change on your platform settings, 
and all 3 apps get immediately 
updated. No need to re-submit to 
the app stores.
Beyond gamification
Run your unique VRS (Value Reinforcement System) to get your followers, fans, customers, and members engaged in the actions that make a difference in your tribe… and in the world.
Record-breaking engagement and 
Backed by science. Proven in
multiple industries and 
Leap beyond social media
With too much noise and too little reach, social media is starting to fail. Rather than trying to figure out which social platform to use, launch and own your own.
You’re in control
With our unique combination of 
cloud-based control and native 
Web, iOS, and Android apps. Make 
a change on your platform settings, 
and all 3 apps get immediately 
updated. No need to re-submit to 
the app stores.
Beyond gamification
Run your unique VRS (Value Reinforcement System) to get your followers, fans, customers, and members engaged in the actions that make a difference in your tribe… and in the world.
Record-breaking engagement and 
Backed by science. Proven in
multiple industries and 
Own your platform. 
Reward what matters. 
Meet your mission
…or join & try our platform
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Copyright ©2018 Skylab USA inc. 
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